Tag Archives: Baron Munchausen

Munchausen’s Syndrome: WotW

Munchausen’s Syndrome is a medical condition.  Individuals afflicted with Munchausen’s Syndrome are addicted to medical care – they fabricate conditions and in many cases poison or injure themselves to emulate symptoms of diseases or afflictions; all to convince hospital personnel to take them in and care for them.  Munchausen’s sufferers can be extremely knowledgeable, and devious in their ruses.  Often, Munchausen’s Syndrome develops in persons who were frequently hospitalized, or spent great amounts of time in hospitals in their youth – it is also common in those with failed medical aspirations.

The Syndrome was named in 1951 by a doctor named Richard Asher, who described the bombastic lies espoused by patients with Munchausen’s as being “… like the famous Baron von Munchausen”.  Munchausen, Karl Friedrich Hieronymus Freiherr von Münchhausen – to be particular – was a German military officer in the latter half of the 1700s; and also a braggart famous for his over-the-top, often impossible tales of his personal exploits and adventures..

P.S.  My apologies for the late update – I’ve been binge-playing Terraria this week